Worship Woodworks Children's Biblical Lessons Logo

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Jesus in the Wilderness and What is it about?

Jesus Christ in the Wilderness is a story about Jesus, who Satan tempted Jesus in the desert. He did not resist temptation and instead trusted in God, who provided for him. It’s so tempting to think that once we give our hearts to Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit we’ll be protected against all temptation forever. Surely, God has us covered now and we don’t need to worry about Satan or sin anymore. The Devil uses that misconception to lull us into complacency and let down our spiritual guard.

No sooner had Jesus been baptized in the Spirit and ready to begin his public ministry than the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan with the same temptations you and I experience every day. After his baptism, Jesus seems to go to the desert to be alone with the lord God. The place where Jesus was alone with God for more than a month is believed to be in the mountains with the wild animals near Jericho. This place is bleak and rocky. Jesus was in the desert for forty days. The forty days of Lent recall the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert before beginning his public ministry. 

How Did Satan Tempt Jesus in the Wilderness?

The first temptation, Satan tried to get a very hungry Jesus to turn stones into bread. “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread. He said in reply, “It is written: One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Then the devil took him to the holy city and made him stand on the parapet of the temple and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down.

The second temptation, Satan tried to get Jesus to test God’s power by throwing himself off the highest point of the roof of the temple. If Satan could get Jesus to doubt God’s ability to save him then he would reveal a basic distrust on Jesus’ part. 

The third temptation, Satan offered Jesus a chance to win the world without going through the suffering of the cross. He took him to a very high mountain to look down at all the kingdoms of the world. At first glance, this might not seem like a temptation to us. But remember, Jesus loved the lost completely. God planned that Jesus would suffer on the cross and people in the world would have a choice to follow only him or not.  Yet once again Jesus answered with a Scripture and chose god’s word. He would only worship God.

Satan retreated for the moment, but he would be back, “When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.” If Satan never stopped tempting Jesus, he will tempt us throughout our lifetime. So take precautions to guard your heart and your mind against falling prey to Satan’s sly and cunning ways.

Jesus is Tempted Sunday School Lesson

Young children might not easily understand the concept of this story. The focus is to communicate to kids how important it is to focus on positive things. These handcraft materials from Worship Woodworks aim to do just that.

Kids often learn best when engaged in creative play, and with these handcrafted materials, kids may have the most fun of all.

Browse Worship Woodworks’ materials for Jesus in the Wilderness for your Sunday school These are additional and replacement pieces for the bible story which will help you complete your children’s ministry curriculum. Worship Woodworks hand crafts all these materials to help ministers, parents, and teachers to aid in your ministry to children by providing quality bible study materials for kids. For complete bible study lesson plans, make sure you have a copy of the Young Children and Worship book.