Welcome to Worship Woodworks’
Kids Sunday School Lessons
Where Sunday school teachers can find resources that provide everything they need for a great Sunday school experience.
Over the last 40 years, Young Children & Worship has been used all over the world and people who have used it found that it continually transcends its original purpose for children ages 3 to 7 years old in church settings. Young Children & Worship has been used from ages 2 to 100! It has been used in children’s hospitals, at camps, for adult retreats, in church board meetings, at General Assembly’s, in family homes, nursing homes, and now for our Sunday School Lessons for Kids.
The art of storytelling has invited people of all ages and in many places to come and experience the wonder and mystery of God. Worship & Wonder is a new ecumenical organization created to give the opportunity for all people to hear and to engage in God’s stories. The mystery and wondering of God and the stories of God are at the heart of faith formation.
It is because of this transcendence of age and place that the Worship & Wonder board has decided to offer this incredible storytelling approach and to broaden our trainings, children’s ministry resources, and support to fit the needs of different ages and institutions.
At Worship Woodworks, we think about kids a lot. How do we help kids thrive? How can we amplify their voices? And what does the Bible say about children?
We know that we can never care about children as much as God cares about them. Jesus is with children everywhere, in every situation, working to show them his love. Our prayer is that our Sunday school works would always be guided by God’s word through free bible lessons and his unfailing love for his children.
Sunday School Curriculum
The actions of listening and responding to the word of God are the heart of worship in the children’s center. A story is told and the children respond to it. Using a multi-sensory approach, the story is presented with wooden or felt materials children can work with individually after the story is presented and responded to. The arrangement of the story presentations provides a way for children to follow Jesus through biblical stories that show who Jesus is, what he is teaching kids about the kingdom of God, why he is calling people to follow him, and what he is sending them into the world to say and do.
This approach to worship with young children is different from the usual ways to teach children about worship. It shows children how to worship God instead of just teaching about worship. Worship flows from our love of God and requires active participation. It is difficult to describe worship in a book because it is experiential. The storytelling method is also difficult to describe because it is visual, oral and kinesthetic.
We intend to extend and deepen 5-8 year old children’s understanding of Jesus and his teaching of the way of the reign of God as it prepares them for Christian discipleship. The environment for telling the stories and parables continues to be the context of worship within a multi-sensory worship center designed for children.
The sequence of the stories allows young children to know the course of Jesus’ eternal life before they have a well-developed sense of chronology. It also helps them to see Jesus’ life as a whole life, rather than as a variety of unrelated events or stories about Jesus.
Special attention is given to the church as a sanctuary to emphasize that, like a sanctuary, the children’s worship center is to be a safe place. Children are to be and feel safe in the worship center. This helps meet their basic need for security, which is necessary as they discover new things. They need a secure environment in which to explore, wonder, puzzle, and create.
Young Children and Worship
Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman wrote Young Children and Worship as an exciting method for introducing three- to seven-year-olds to the wonder of worship. Their approach, which integrates religious education and worship, has been presented at numerous workshops and training sessions. Based on the authors’ experiences, the methods described here will be invaluable to Sunday school teachers in helping children understand and appreciate worship. Young Children and Worship is a program curriculum that presents a joyful way for children to worship God. Young Children and Worship move children through the entire Bible, from “The Creation” to “Pentecost” with several parables included. It invites children and adults to experience the wonder and mystery of God through a unique storytelling format and multi-sensory materials. Colorful felt underlays set the scene for wood figures to play out the stories and allow children to expand their imagination. Textures of the various materials used and the wondering questions, allow even more senses to be stretched and developed. The figures, buildings, mountains and other tangible materials stimulate the visual and imaginative senses of all ages.
The Young Children and Worship is Sunday school lessons found in churches, classrooms, and Sunday schools across America, as well as in South Africa, England, South Korea, Mexico, Australia, Canada, and Japan. It has been used with children up until sixth grade, in nursing homes, and in hospitals. Worship Woodworks hand crafts all these materials to help ministers, parents, and teachers to aid in your Sunday school ministry to children by providing quality bible study materials for kids. For complete bible study spiritual lesson plans, make sure you have a copy of the Young Children and Worship book.
Children’s Ministry
Young children do have a fundamental awareness of the holy. Although they may not be interested in the various forms of religion prescribed for them, they are interested in God, and their faith can be formed as they are invited into the stories and parables of scripture. We intend to show a way of being in worship with children 5-8 years of age, although some of the stories may be appropriate for 3-4 year old children. Children love Bible stories. When you tell biblical stories using the narrative language of scripture without embellishing the stories and extraneous details or turning them into lessons, children enter biblical stories with wonder, awe, and amazement. This is the way people around Jesus Christ responded when he told a story or performed a healing as he showed them the way of the reign of God.
Young children learn first through their bodies, emotions and senses. As you will see, children’s worship centers are intentionally designed multisensory environments. Biblical stories are “translated” into felt and wooden materials so the stories can be sensed, felt emotionally, and “read” visually as well as heard. The materials are constructed for the children’s use, so the materials “live” on low, open shelves where they can be seen by and are accessible to the children.
~ excepts taken from Young Children & Worship by Sonja Stewart and Jerome Berryman
Browse printable children’s Bible lessons for your Sunday school & bible study classroom. These are additional and replacement pieces for all of our Bible stories that will help you complete your children’s ministry curriculum. Worship Woodworks provides all these materials to help ministers, parents, and Sunday school teachers to aid in your ministry to children by providing quality Bible study materials for kids. For complete Bible study lesson plans, make sure you have a copy of Young Children & Worship, Following Jesus, and Biblical Lessons books.
This is a suggested guideline for free Sunday school lessons 2022 church year schedule, using the Young Children & Worship book. Choose the Parable you would like to share.
If you are using these stories for pre-school children, you may repeat the story two consecutive weeks.
Worship Woodworks, Inc.
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For Complete Bible Study Lessons
Make sure to get a copy of our Kids Sunday School lesson made to the specifications and approval of the late Dr. Sonja Stewart and Dr. Jerome Berryman.