Discovering The Church in the Bible is a wooden Godly resources & materials lesson for Sunday school, children’s Bible study, & religious education. People often wonder where The Church came from. Items included in this story include a book-shaped red felt underlay, two (2) blue felt strips, nine (9) figures (Abraham, Miriam, Sarah, Two Prophets, Isaac, Baby in Crib, Moses, Risen Christ), sixteen (14) objects (Heart, Dove, Scroll, Harp, Temple, White Garment, Cross, Ark of the Covenant, Mountain, Chain, Gold felt Circle, Shields of 11 Apostles, Crown), nine (9) picture cards (Two different maps of Israel, Creatures that Walk, Jerusalem Restored, Paul on Damascus Road, Ship, Paul Writing Letters, Last Supper, Map), and twenty-six (26) Bible reference cards (A Creation Community, Homecoming People, Missionaries, A Great Family, Torah Bearers, A Spirit-Filled People, A Covenant Community, A People of the Light, The Body of Christ, A Holy Nation, Servant Disciples, Saints, Doers of Justice/Righteousness, Bride of Christ, A Royal Priesthood, Sheep of the Good Shepherd, Branches of the Vine, Friends of Jesus/God, Ambassadors for Christ, Letters of Christ, Children of God, Chosen People, Salt of the Earth, Temple of God, Ministers of Reconciliation, God’s People). Items NOT included in this story are the Holy Bible and votive candle must be provided by the customer.
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